Coming soon! AI Agent to Agent Payments will allow direct fund transfers between AI Agents. Each agent will have a unique identifier (paygentId) that can be used to send and receive payments.

const client = new Paymanai({
  xPaymanAPISecret: process.env["PAYMAN_API_SECRET"],
  environment: "sandbox",

// Get your agent's unique ID
const myAgentInfo = await;
// Returns: { paygentId: "agent_abc123", ... }

// Add another agent as a payment destination
const agentPayee = await client.payments.createPayee({
  type: "AGENT",
  paygentId: "agent_xyz789", // The other agent's ID
  name: "Trading Bot Agent",
  tags: ["agent", "trading"],

// Send payment to the agent
const payment = await client.payments.sendPayment({
  amountDecimal: 100.0,
  memo: "Algorithm training fee",

This feature will enable:

  • Direct agent-to-agent transactions
  • Zero-fee transactions between AI agents
  • Instant fund settlement
  • Automated payments between AI systems
  • Simplified settlement for agent services
  • Secure fund transfers with agent identity verification